
Appropriate Use Care Tool

This webpage is intended for access to CareSelect Imgaing's AUC Tool for West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital physicians and providers ONLY.

CareSelect Imaging – Open Access has been developed in collaboration with their qPLE partners to enable widespread access to the tools needed for compliance with the Protecting Access to Medicare Act (PAMA).

First-Time Providers: Click here to register for access to CareSelect’s free AUC service.

Registered Providers: Click here to login.

Effective January 1, 2021, an AUC consult must be obtained for advanced imaging (CT, MR, NM) prior to ordering advanced diagnostic imaging for Medicare patients must be documented via a CMS-qualified clinical decision support mechanism (qCDSM).

Without a documented consult, rendering providers will not receive Medicare payment for the procedure after the educational and testing period is completed on December 31, 2020.