

The Board of Directors of the Ethel Precht Hope Breast Cancer Foundation decided to dissolve the organization and donate the assets to the West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital Foundation with the intent that we continue to fulfill their mission in Southwest Louisiana. 

The WCCH Foundation will continue to provide financial assistance and support to breast cancer patients and survivors in the parishes of Calcasieu and Cameron, in the form of:

  • Medical expense coverage (including mammograms and genetic testing)
  • Bras and special wear support garments
  • Lymphedema sleeves
  • Treatment-related expenses
  • Prostheses
  • and much more.

 Our goal is to continue to carry out Ethel’s vision and legacy through the Ethel Precht Hope Breast Cancer Program of WCCH. 

EP Foundation

About Ethel Precht

Ethel started a breast cancer walk in 2004 to assist local breast cancer survivors in Cameron and Calcasieu Parishes. Thanks to tremendous local support, in 2008, she started a non-profit organization named The Ethel Precht HOPE Breast Cancer Foundation, Incorporated. The impact of having breast cancer at age 50 and surviving it changed her life and our community forever.

The Foundation was formed in 2008 with the sole mission of providing 100% of proceeds directly to individuals in the Calcasieu and Cameron Parishes who are going through breast cancer treatment. To date, we have given away almost $500,000 directly to individuals in Calcasieu and Cameron Parishes.

Ethel passed away in 2017, but we will continue her legacy through this program. 

We Provide DIRECT Support

You must provide us with: completed application SIGNED by your physician, a doctor’s prescription ordering lymphedema assistance, valid copies of doctor visits and other expenses. Payments may be made directly to the provider and not to the breast cancer survivor.

Get Support Today!

If you think you may qualify for any of the above criteria, please click on the button below to download and print the financial assistance application. To be considered for assistance, ALL survivors MUST complete an application. 


Contact Us

For questions, please call 337-527-4144 or email

Financial Assistance

We will give financial assistance to breast cancer survivors, provided the applicant meets the following criteria in Cameron or Calcasieu Parish!

Last 12 months: 

  • If your diagnosis of breast cancer has been made within the last 12 months prior to submission of your application, the West Calcasieu Cameron Hospital Foundation may be able to assist with the following:
    • Medical expenses related to breast cancer that is deemed necessary by a physician (including genetic testing and screening mammograms)
    • Bras, prostheses, wigs, scarves, and other headwear
    • Lymphedema sleeves - (a signed prescription from your treating physician is required)

13 - 60 months:

  • If your diagnosis has been made within 13 - 60 months prior to submission of your applications, financial assistance may be available for the following:
    • Bras
    • Prosthesis
    • Lymphedema sleeves - (a signed prescription from your treating physician is required)